Saturday, September 16, 2006



Summer is over and it's back to school.

It is not uncommon for law students to let their legal skills atrophy over the Summer. This is especially true if you're interning or clerking for a law firm. To help re-acclimate you to the new school year, How to Law School has put together the following materials to keep you sharp.

1. Two trains depart Pittsburgh at 10:00 A.M. Train A travels west at 55 mph, Train B travels northeast at 62 mph. Train A and Train B collide outside of Baltimore. Using the Erie Doctrine, explain how collision occurred, who is at fault? The law of which state should be applied? How did each train end up in the Baltimore-Metro area?

2. Using thirty-five words or less, explain how the Eleventh Amendment violates The Eleventh Amendment. How would Roscoe Pound draft a revised Eleventh Amendment? How would Ezra Pound? Show your work.

3. Using nothing but construction paper, glue, gauze pads, cotton balls and pipe cleaners, create a Federal Court personal jurisdiction board game.

4. Discuss and distinguish the differences between traditional Anglo-Saxon contract law and the theories underlying magical contracts in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Pay special attention to the elements of offer and acceptance.

5. Rent and view Bend over Babes I - VI. Which films meet Justice Stewart's definition of obscenity? Do the 'Bent over Babes' films (I through IV inclusive) constitute copyright infringement of the former works? Is that necessarily a bad thing?

BONUS QUESTION: Pursuant to Aztec custom, the losing side in an appeal was ceremonially put to death. Should the United States revive this custom? What about interlocatory appeals?

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